Call for papers
PIERS – Where Microwave and Lightwave Communities Meet PIERS provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in all aspects of electromagnetics. Spectra range from statics to RF, microwave, photonics, and beyond. Topics include radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering, guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all applications and modern developments. Potential session organizers are welcome to propose specific technical topics by filling out the PIERS survey at
- Electromagnetic theory
- Computational electromagnetics, hybrid methods
- Spectra, time, and frequency domain techniques
- Fast iteration, large scale and parallel computation
- Transmission lines and waveguide discontinuities
- Resonators, filters, interconnects, packaging, MMIC
- Antenna theory and radiation
- Microstrip and printed antennas, phase array antennas
- RF and wireless communication, multipath
- Mobile antennas, conformal and smart antennas
- Power electronics, superconducting devices
- Systems and components, electromagnetic compatibility
- Nano scale electromagnetics, MEMS
- Magnetic levitation, transportation and collision avoidance
- Precision airport landing systems, GPS
- Radar sounding of atmosphere, ionospheric propagation
- Microwave remote sensing and polarimetry, SAR
- Subsurface imaging and detection technology, GPR
- Active and passive remote sensing systems
- Electromagnetic signal processing, wavelets, neural network
- Rough surface scattering and volume scattering
- Remote sensing of the earth, ocean, and atmosphere
- Scattering, diffraction, and inverse scattering
- Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and devices, CAD
- Wireless power transfer and harvesting
- Medical electromagnetics, biological effects, bioimaging
- Microwave photonics, THz technology
- Biophotonics, optical sensors and environmental monitoring
- Novel optical fibers and fiber-based devices
- Advanced photonic materials and nanophtonics
- Optoelectronic devices and integration
- Light emitting and lasing
- Coherent optics, ultrafast optics
- Light harvesting, photovoltaics, optoelectronics in energy
- Metamaterials and plasmonics
- Quantum electrodynamics, computing and information theory
- Biological media, composite and random media
- Plasmas, nonlinear media, fractal, chiral media
- Constitutive relations and bianisotropic media
- Moving media, relativity, field quantization, and others
The following five subcommittees have been formed for PIERS 2017 St Petersburg (however, the topics of PIERS 2017 St Petersburg are not limited to these areas):
SC 1. Computational Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Scattering and Electromagnetic Theory
SC 2. Metamaterials, Plasmonics and Complex Media
SC 3. Optics and Photonics
SC 4. Antennas and Microwave Technologies
SC 5. Remote Sensing, Inverse Problems, Imaging, Radar and Sensing
In PIERS 2017 St Petersburg, a dozen of Focus Sessions will be planned. Each focus session should be focused on a specific hot topic that must be timely and reflect the future trends or the latest scientific advances in the area. The leadership of the conference will select the topics of focus sessions and the responsible organizers. The organizers may adjust the title of the focus session to make it e.g. more specific/focused and should make the best effort to ensure the high quality of the session by inviting high-profile keynote speakers (30 min for each; 0-2 keynote speakers for each focus session) and excellent invited speakers (20 min for each), etc. Some contributed oral talks (15 min each) are encouraged, however, quality must be very well controlled by the organizers with a typical acceptance ratio of less than 50%. Each focus session will last for a half-day (with a coffee break) or a full-day (with a lunch break and two coffee breaks).
To encourage more students to present their good research results in PIERS, Best Student Papers will be awarded after their presentation in each PIERS. About 4-5 winners will be selected by a special committee. Each winner will receive 500 USD cash award and a banquet ticket to attend the Award Ceremony. Besides a winner (500 USD cash award), each subcommittee will also have 1-2 runner-ups for honorable mention. Each of them will receive a banquet ticket to attend the Award Ceremony.
A student competing for best student paper award must be listed as the first author as well as the presenting author of a paper submitted for ORAL presentation. A full-length paper is required for the evaluation of the technical quality. The full-length paper should be submitted by the full-length paper submission deadline and registered by the pre-registration deadline. The final score is 50%*(paper review score) + 50%*(presentation score).
Abstract Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract. The abstract limit is one page but must have at least 250 words in English. No full-length paper is required. The abstract should explain clearly the content and relevance of the proposed technical contribution. On a separate page list the following information:
- Title of the paper
- Name, affiliation, and email of each author
- Telephone/Fax numbers
- Corresponding author and Presenting author
- Topic or Session Organizer, if applicable
- State if poster presentation is preferred
Your co-authors will be informed about the paper submission. Paper may not be displayed in the PIERS Publications until the emails of all the co-authors are submitted.
Please use On-Line-Submission ( to submit your contribution or via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by attachments. Authors are recommended to use *.tex, *.doc, or *.pdf as the file format. The abstract submission deadline is 20 December 2016 and the author pre-registration deadline is 20 February 2017.
Full-length Papers: Author of an accepted abstract is invited to (but is not required to) submit a full-length paper of 4–5 pages. Full-length papers will be reviewed by the session organizers. Only accepted and registered papers will be published in the final PIERS Proceedings and available online after the actual conference, and thus some feedback from the physical conference presentation may affect the final decision. For registered and paid abstract, there is no additional publication charge for full-length papers within 5 pages. The overlength page charge will be USD 50 per page. Please visit PIERS website for the latest PIERS sample files. The deadline for the submission of extended papers is 25 Feruary 2017.
PIERS No-Show Policy: Please be reminded that if your paper is a no-show in oral presentation session, its full-length paper will not be included in the final PIERS proceedings.
Each presenting author is limited to presenting no more than three papers in oral and poster sessions, and must preregister by paying a non-refundable fee of US$570 before 20 February 2017. For students with valid identification, the non-refundable pre-registration fee is US$300. Registration fee will be raised to $680 and $400 for students after 20 February 2017. Only pre-registered articles will be scheduled in the final Technical Program. Inclusion of the article in the Technical Program and PIERS Proceedings is guaranteed only after the registration of the presenting author is completed. Registration fee include admission to all technical sessions, break areas, and a copy of the draft proceedings in CD-ROM. There is no mail service of conference materials for no-show PIERS participants.